Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day 'stay-in'

So what are you doing today? Going out and shooting your wad? Or staying in and eating gourmet? Both John Lewis and Waitrose, not surprisingly, are pushing the latter. Spend your money here, say their ads. The supermarket Waitrose offers "Dinner for two: Starter + Main course + 2 Side dishes + Dessert + Wine or fizz" for £20. Now, that's worth considering any day! And John Lewis (the staff-owned department store) will set the table for you: "We've got everything you need to make dinner feel special this Valentine's day."

At first I thought a stay-in fancy dinner is like a stay-cation, a new type of British holiday promoted since the banking crisis started, to stay in Britain rather than go abroad for a vacation. But at least a stay-cation has the advantage of eating breakfast in someone else's house (B&B); staying home for dinner doesn't much cut it, especially if all the food is bought in.

Just cook me a nice stand-up lasagne from scratch and I'll be happy....But actually, we are going out for our Valentine's Dinner on Saturday, so I'll report back on it then.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, but what did my partner do? Went out and bought the Waitrose offer anyway. So now we'll have two Valentine's dinners. I thought the point was to save money by buying at Waitrose! (The £20 meal was worth £30.74 if items were paid for separately.)
