Thursday 5 April 2012

Tickets & barriers in British train stations

Britain is a country that has traditionally operated on the honour system. You did what was expected of you without question. But that old morality has changed in recent years, especially with the increase in slackers, who try to get away with anything, and immigrants who don't know the system.

   Bendy buses (the articulated kind) with a back door entrance were chronically abused: people boarded there without paying the fare. These buses were instituted by former Mayor Ken Livingstone to alleviate congestion (they take more people, leaving fewer buses on the road) and to increase safety (because they replaced the hop-on hop-off kind without a door). Well, the upshot is that nobody liked the bendy buses and they were a financial disaster. So this year, they are all being replaced by the current Mayor Boris Johnson with new hop-on hop-off buses without doors. We'll see how they fly financially.

The new ticket barriers at Durham station
   Meanwhile, most British train stations have not had ticket barriers. You were expected to buy your ticket and show it to a ticket inspector on board, if ever any inspector showed up. This was really a hit and miss operation, and it was easy to avoid the ticket inspector by going to the loo at the time. So this past year, stations all over England (at least) are having ticket gates installed. Thank goodness these are better designed so that the flaps don't close on you or get caught by your luggage going through – as do many of the tube barrier gates. In order to teach people how to use these gates by feeding your ticket through (!!), station staff stand at the barriers and feed your ticket through for you. Lots of labour time, here...

   But not so many people are now shirking on their tickets.
• Firstly, I implore you: don't get caught out! The penalty is wicked. You have to buy a ticket on the train for an inflated price that is not sold on-line or at the ticket counters. I once did not have my seat reservation ticket, without which my ticket was not considered valid. Instead of using my £9.95 ticket, I had to buy a new one at £143.00. No kidding. Luckily I was able to claim the cost back because I had actually purchased a seat reservation but left the ticket in the ticket machine.

• Secondly, I implore you: be sure to check the drop box for tickets in the ticket machine very very carefully. The tickets sometimes drop down the side where you can't see them. Feel the box as you would the washing machine at the laundromat, so you won't leave any socks (or tickets) behind.


  1. Could you tell what's the specifications or feature that British people consider while buying this Flap Barrier Gate ?

  2. خرید بلیط قطار نیز به تبعیت از این
    قدمت، از استقبال زیادی میان مسافران برخوردار است. که مسافران می توانند با بررسی
     قیمت بلیط قطار و نیاز خود به
     رزرو بلیط قطار بپردازند. با 
    خرید بلیط هواپیما خارجی آنلاین و 
    رزرو هتل دبی و
     رزرو هتل کیش 
    گردشا همراه باشید.بلیط هواپیما استانبول
    و سفر به بزرگ‌ترین شهر کشور ترکیه! بلیط استانبول که شه
    ری تماشایی و زیبا است، یکی از بهترین مقصدهای است که برای سفر کردن و گذراندن تعطیلات مناسب است و می توا
    نید با خیال راحت در آن
    رزرو هتل کنید.

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